Unigraphics. Справочник по моделированию



To open the VDA-Checker dialog choose Analysis—> CheckVDA-4955 Compliance, or click on the VDA Checker icon. The user interaction is controlled through the main dialog.

A typical interactive run of the VDA Checker consists of:

Setup the check criteria list ( maybe through reading them from a configuration file ).

Add objects to geometry set with the class selection dialog.

Start the analysis run ( Apply ).

Check the Results Log or browse through the violated objects ( ).

Either terminate or continue with the next two steps:

Change the check constraint values and/or change geometry set.

Return to start of the analysis run.

NOTE: The description of the UG/Open API user function UG_MODL_ask_vda_4955__compliance can be found in the UG/Open Online Help. UG_MODL_ask_vda_4955_compliance is passing on the user parameters and will execute the VDA Checker in batch mode without user intervention. Before running in batch mode you must create a configuration file during an interactive run.

The main dialog covers the following interaction groups with their controls:

For additional information please see the following sections:

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