Unigraphics. Справочник по моделированию


Creating the Midsurface Feature

After you have selected either set of defining opposing faces or a midsurface (sheet body or face), the OK button on the Select Midsurface dialog become selectable (i.e., it is no longer grayed out). Clicking OK at this time instructs the system to create the face pair feature.

Now that you have created the face pair feature(s), the Midsurface Feature dialog's OK and Apply button becomes active; in effect, allowing you to create the midsurface feature. Prior to displaying the newly created midsurface feature, the system trims the face pair features using the target solid and the neighboring midsurfaces.

The midsurface feature does not change the geometry of the midsurface - it only changes the midsurface boundaries.

NOTE: All of the face pair features created in this creation session are added to the new midsurface feature.

Once the midsurface feature is created, you can use the Information function to display and highlight midsurface and face pair feature information. You can do this using Information—>Feature.

The Midsurface Feature information dialog can be accessed by selecting a midsurface or face pair feature from the displayed Feature Browser dialog (the selected feature is then highlighted on the graphics screen). Each of the information dialog provides you with the ability to display information on the feature you selected for inquiry.

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